Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…


Back in the swing, “just” had to choose new template, publish, go back and paste into template my old/updated template, and publish again. *sheech* One positive thing came out this [crapola]; I’ve got blogrolling going here now.

“Designated driver, on the information highway.”

Trying out blogrolling

Out of frustration, I’ve implemeanted blogrolling. Prior to this I spent 2 hours on the net trying to figure out blogger/pyra’s api stuff, soap, etc on set template. AAAAAaccccck! I sure hope this works, because if it doesn’t I’ll be looking for alternative publishing. FYI: I can’t use Moveable Type, because barrysworld doesn’t have Perl. So that said and done, here goes.

*Censored screaming and shouting*

The ******* thing still does not work.

“Designated driver, on the information highway.”

Blogger Frustration

Testing to see if I can publish at all.

So I can publish, but nothing changes on the right side of my template no matter what I do over there. GRRRR! *pounding head on table*. How can it continue to publish without going through my template? Damnit!

And another thing, something I’ve done has now allowed Netscape 4x to list the archive files, which I’ve never been able to make happen *holding head in hands*.

Boy now you’ve gone and done it!

Hmmm… as a last resort I’ve changed my template on my host server, and will now try to publish here with blogger. If all goes well that will mean for some reason Blogger is ignoring the right content tags on my template.


Nope that doesn’t work, which means blogger is reading and overwriting the right content tags, but it won’t accept the changes to the template I’ve made. The changes exist in the template itself, but don’t publish. Clueless in Baltimore? Anybody got any suggestions?

“Designated driver, on the information highway.”

New Stuff

I’m adding my friend Susana’s site (Chimera Cucina) to my hot blogs list on the right. Go check out her “crazy kitty” and his mystical accoutrements. Cruising around reading the answers to yesterday’s Tuesday Too revealed folks in the middle, folks on one side, and folks on the other. I’m not surprised. One article I came across that very much captured my interest, and raised my question level is here from Julie.

What else is happening?

On Thursday I’ll be getting some pictures of ruins in Italy taken by a friend. I saw them last week, and I got very excited about using them for paintings. And speaking of ruins, the mayhem and destruction in my neighborhood continues at an astonishing rate. There is one last stand of 6 row houses still to come down on 33rd St. and that’s it. Soon what were once large homes with huge beautiful gardens running an entire city block will be the Giant and the parking lot.

I thought you said you were adding your friend to the list on the right?

Well maybe it’s time for me to do the blog roll thing, because I’m having a hell of a time trying to make that happen. I don’t think it’s me; I think it blogger having a fit for whatever reason. I’ll have to tackle this later. I’m also trying to change Julie’s Chaotic Neutral to it’s new name

“Designated driver, on the information highway.”

Tuesday TooTuesday Too

1.) Where do you stand on the eve of war, and why? If you wrote about this already, point to your post.

Recently (see post below) I’ve been struggling with not having a position, but leaning toward NO WAR. I do not want the United States to be the aggressor, but at the same time I’m frightened of doing nothing as dictator regimes arm themselves with powerful weapons. Then I ask myself, if it’s the weapons I/we are afraid of, why not North Korea? And “all it took” for 9/11 was a handful of men with box cutters? Yes I know, it seems I’ve always got more questions than answers. They are not actors; real people will be fighting and dying on both sides. FYI: are you interested in what Bill Clinton said today in the Guardian?

2.) Has your position caused arguments with friends or family?

No my position, or lack there of to firmly land on one side, or the other has not caused any rifts as of yet

3.) Is there some other issue that has you grinding your teeth? What is it?

The destruction of the victorian houses in my neighborhood to make room for a Giant.

“Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.”

–John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Post your URL in the comment.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”

The King of Hearts

I saw The King of Hearts yesterday. It’s probably been 20 years since I last saw this movie.

So what?

I posted (see post) not too long ago about feeling guilty that I had not taken a position on the war. The movie reminded me how insane war is, but can I take a position based on an old movie, set in World War I that’s based on fiction, not fact?

Why not?

I suppose there are some with less logical reasons, who insist one way, or the other. However, perhaps I should watch another film from “the other side,” before rendering my final verdict.

Can’t you just make up your own mind about it?

It’s the making up part that bothers me. And then as I read over this post I see the word remind. What the hell does that mean? re: mind? as in calling this to your attention? or re a prefix signifying back. Back of my mind all along, and I might add in back of what exactly? What is behind my mind?

Don’t you think we make everything up?

I think we are responsible for what has meaning in our lives. We imbue with meaning those things that are important to us, but as to how they became significant in the first place, I lose my place.

Yes I think you’ve lost your place alright; you’re veering off topic.

Not really, the topic is how, or why we “make up” our minds.

“One’s mind has a way of making itself up in the background, and it suddenly becomes clear what one means to do.”

–A. C. Benson

“Designated driver, on the information highway.”