Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Tuesday Too # 27
Tuesday Too1.) Are you dreaming now? How do you know you are, or how do you know you're not?

2.) What's going on that really makes your life a source of wonderment?

3.) Why do you think you're here, and where is "here" anyway?

Post your URL in the comment.

He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it.
--Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Sunday, August 25, 2002

Will be away for a while. I mean away from painting houses. artattackcentral.com is designing site ASAP for a Maryland politician running for re-election (sept. 10th). No, I won't say who; I don't want to jinx it. Good resume builder, is what it is.

What resume?
Are you out there Anne? Re resume discussion?

Who's Anne?
I met with Anne last week for drinks last week on the thirteenth floor of the Belvedere in the Mount Vernon section of Baltimore. This was our second foray into the world of friendship beyond blogging, and linked blogger activities. We first met at a Baltimore Bloggers picnic in June. Somewhere in my rattled brain is our resume discussion, which ends with me not having one. And just how do you make a silk purse out of a sow's ear? In other words, how do you take a house painter/artist with an MA in psychology, and turn them into an experienced whatever you want to be, while maintaining honesty. Aha yes, remember that question; is honesty always the best policy?

"Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them."
--Ann Landers

Friday, August 23, 2002


Okay, so I don't know how to spell worth shit! I should not be allowed to post without spell check.

I slowly made my way across the playing field. As I entered the Darkwood on the far side, the ancient pines quivered in the wind. Needles were dropping; tiny brown spears piercing the forest floor, and the birds began to whisper. "Where is it going? What's it feeling?" Suddenly I felt the path beneath my bare feet give way. The fall began with the fading sounds of rustling trees and bird whispers. Then silence, except for the sound of my own breathing; all around me were images of other lives not lived, possibilities moving in fast succession toward some unknown, and impossible ending. The lives passing by were spinning ferris wheels without passengers. One of the wheels stopped, cars swinging to and fro. Sound began to filter through the images. The rigging, squealing and groaning under the brake pressure, began to speak coherently. "We've been with you before; you just don't remember. As a matter of fact we've been with you since the beginning." "Beginning of what?" I cried. "You know, the very beginning. The beginning of you." "But, that's just not possible," I shouted. "Why are you shouting?" "I'm upset. I've fallen down some hole like Alice; only difference is, this ain't Wonderland. It's in my head, and if I want to shout, I will." The wheel began to spin again; the voices abruptly stopped. Now instead of being an observer of the wheels, I was on one, going round and round. As I rose to the top each time I tried to retain a mental picture of the layout below. Looking off towards the East, I could make out the Darkwood, just beyond the edge of the largest ferris wheel.

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Tuesday Too # 26
Tuesday Too1.) Here's something to RANT about: "Nigerian woman loses battle..."

2.) After reading the above article, most questions seem trivial; however, isn't something like this beyond toleration/acceptance of "other cultures ways of doing things?"

3.) Explain your yes position on question # 2, and tell us what should/can we as individuals, or nations do about it? If you answered no to question # 2, tell us why we should should close our eyes to injustice in other nations.

Post your URL in the comment.

"To succeed in politics, it is often necessary to rise above your principles."


Sunday, August 18, 2002

Putting Up The $$$
Yes, I've decided to cave in and pay for barrysworld hosting of the blog.

How come?
Aside from not finding a free host that has php, I realize the work of moving the blog again is just more than I'm capable of dealing with in the next 10 days. Add to that the fact that google has that URL, and the Testzone comes up # one for 2,000,000 results of tuesday too. But, then I say to myself, "so what?" How many people in their right minds are searching the words tuesday too? But, how many of us are in our right minds?

Right minds, what the hell does that mean?
All I can say is: how can we have both artists and conservatives in there right minds? What about bicameral?

Are you going somewhere with this?
Excuse me, do you mind? Remind me to tell you about it sometime.

"History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon."


Friday, August 16, 2002

Talk About Real
Check out Nature; the language gene has been found!

Hello world
oops = print Noam Chomsky;
Hello Noam Chomsky

According to yesterday's Washington Post, scientists will begin tinkering with the language gene of mice.

Look out Elliott; the mice will be warning their families and friends when your on the lurk, and from us they'll be requesting pizza and fries, The next thing you know, they'll be telling us where to go.


Thursday, August 15, 2002

Disappearance of Barrysworld
AAAAAAAAAAAacccccccccccck... free hosting on barrysworld.net, which until last week has been nothing but great, is going belly up in two weeks! Meaning put up the $, or get on down the road. Here's what I'm looking for: free host with no pop up ads, and php support so I don't loose all my comments. Anybody got any ideas?

Real Post
I have been in such a state; I even forgot to tear off my Gary Larson calendar pages! Then I read Gina's post on Pinocchio. Remember... he was a puppet who wanted to be a real boy. In some way, I think we all want to be "real boys" or more precisely a real whatever. How precise is that?

What do you mean by that?
I mean that when we are children we are wanting to be adults, because we sense they have something we don't. They have a secret, but we don't really understand what that is. Children know there's something they don't know, and they think the secret will be revealed when they become real i.e. adults. Now you're a real adult, or perhaps like me a pseudo adult, an impostor posing for photo opps in a world filled with those "others" whose secret you are still trying to decipher.

Why did you call this Real Post?
Because, I thought it was going to be about being real, but I seem to have gone off on a side track. Hmmm... maybe it is about being real. It doesn't matter what you think you are. You are what you are. Good God, I sound like Popeye talking to Olive Oil, "I yam what I yam." And speaking of toons, I think I'll have a cartoon type of day today. It will be kind of like Roger Rabbit. My car will have a personality and my paint brush will do all the painting without my help, of course I'll most likely have to clean up the mess left behind by those two crazy gals. Well I'm off; let's just hope the brush doesn't paint the car! Cause that would be real bad.

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
--Alan Kay


Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Tuesday Too # 25
1.) What is your favorite freeware program? If you don't have have one you might want to check out some freeware sites. There's still a lot of good stuff out there that's free!
Right off I was going to point to Stata 3d, a program I list on the right of the page. However, when I clicked on the link, I find that it's disappeared as freeware, and is no longer even their domain. Yeah you can buy it, but the free version is not to be found anywhere anymore. Makes me wonder how many other amazing freebies come and go before I'm even aware of them.

2.) Do you think the way the internet has changed the world is essentially a good thing? Why or why not?
Unequivocally yes. One of the great "good" changes is the sharing of research information quickly around the world. The sharing speeds up the research process.

3.) Is there something that's really bothering you these days? It might be personal, political, scientific or just downright kinky. What is it?

Post your URL in the comment.

"There's a very fine line between a groove and a rut; a fine line between eccentrics and people who are just plain nuts."
--Christine Lavin, Prisoners of their Hairdos


Monday, August 12, 2002

Thesis Abstract
Yes it's finally posted here! I still don't have the go ahead to post the entire thesis. No precedent has been set; thus no one knows who has the answer. The abstract is pretty dry reading, and has been posted for those participants who requested information on the results of the study.

How come you're not blogging much lately?
I seem to be off kilter for some reason, and my off-line life is wearing me out, at least physically if not mentally. I've not even been cruising around to see what you guys are up to

Thursday, August 08, 2002

Too Many
Why is it we have to make money? It can be such an annoyance when the available avenues for the making are not of my liking. Boy, is that a spoiled brat talking or what?

Why don't you change what your doing, as in get a regular job of some kind?
I know, I just finished the MA, and now I'm supposed to do something with it, besides put it in the drawer. What's happened is that I don't see myself as a therapist, although I did when I began this "educational adventure."

Who do you see yourself as?
I see myself as an artist and web designer, but I've got to tell you that I'm a terrible marketer/promoter. And really why do you care anyway?

I don't care; I'm just that questioning voice in your head, remember?
Yeah, yeah, yeah... I remember already. I just feel frustrated and need to rant and rave a bit before I go schlepping off to paint another house, lug another 5 gal. paint bucket up a flight of stairs, or sand spackle off another ceiling. What I really need to do is make a major change in how I make a living, and I procrastinate, stew around, complain and whine, when I should be planning.

Planing what?
How to make a living being an artist. Yes I know that's perhaps a little unrealistic, but what kind of world would it be if everyone was a realist? Hmm... maybe it would be a better world, i.e. CEO's understanding the consequences and refraining from criminal acts. No one would need Oprah's Dr. Phil, or a pill, and every battle would be fought downhill.

You've gone off the deep end again!
Well then, the world would be worse off without the dreamers; we would all be mired in analyzing every decision, and critical thinking would be a prerequisite of adulthood. Each and every one of us would be required to pass an examination of motives, desires and normalcy before being allowed to proceed. Okay you're right I tipped over the edge, and I'm hanging on by one finger nail, and a short one at that. Do you think it means I'm not a dreamer if I need some sort of rationale?

I think it means you've misplaced a marble or two.

"The artist belongs to his work, not the work to the artist."

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Tuesday Too # 24
Tuesday Too border= The Very Late Tuesday Too. I tried to publish to barrysworld this morning and severs were down. Had to go make a living painting houses today. Sorry to all those folks who were here looking earlier in the day.

1.) Is honesty always the best policy? Relate a plausible scenario where this might not be the case.

2.) Are you someone of who can't say no? If you're not, tell those of us who are, how to overcome the yes syndrome.

3.) What's your remedy for sleepless nights?

Post your URL in the comment.


Thursday, August 01, 2002

Why Blog Derailment?
What exactly was it that made me run upstairs and start blogging on the recent Amtrak derailment on August 29th? I didn't know anyone traveling by train from Chicago to D.C. on the 29th; I didn't like the interruption of my soap opera with breaking news. I'm not a news freak, or someone obsessed with tragedy. In hindsight I think it had to do with an unconscious connection between trains traveling and our lives, a little like, "ships in the night".

Life and trains?
Tracks, the patterns of tracks from an aerial view, connecting cars, coupling and uncoupling, moving from one place to another, all these things remind me of the life I journey through. My life is full of derailments of one kind or another; interrupted, delayed, canceled meetings and arrangements, failed relationships, all contributed to a sense of the unexpected. Maybe it's more that we don't expect the unexpected; we don't live as if anything could happen anytime, as if love could be gone only minutes from now, as if the slightest ripple has meaning.

But, don't children live that way?
I think they live that way until they "learn" what to expect. I'm not saying I shouldn't expect anything; I'm saying, we lose something when we forget we really don't know what's going to happen when. Life would just be so f---ing intense; maybe it would be too scary, but when it wasn't being scary, our own amazement would take us to places we can't even imagine. I love to be amazed and in awe of the fact that I'm alive at all. Why don't I feel that way all the time? Because I explain things to myself, and quickly move on to something else in my head. Get out of my head.

"Smash forehead on keyboard to continue."
