Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

So What kind of Blogger Are You?
Up at 6:00 this morning even though I would have to put last night in the quite rough category. Re yesterday’s post: made a few small changes on the Art Attack Central site. I decided not to change it’s look right now, but will reconsider a revamp later in the spring.

Decisions, decisions, decisions… “lions and tigers and bears, oh my”. Still undecided on what sort of persona/nonpersona I wish to convey on these pages, which are so far mostly about figuring out how to make this system behave in certain ways. Ha, sounds like me! How do I want my “system” to behave? or more to the point who is that under your hat? Perhaps I ought to make a list of the various hats I wear in order to avoid confusion (mine or yours). Today I feel like the person under my hat is rather pensively planning to elaborate on those things that make life worth hanging on to, at least another day or two.

Did you know we had a blue moon on Friday night? When you have two full moons in the same month, the second one is called a blue moon. “Ahhha so what”, you say. You just had to see it! In Baltimore the night was warm; by 8:30 the moon was high in the sky. Great white clouds were flying towards the northeast covering and uncovering the shinning disk. A night like that in late November, makes me wonder how anything could be wrong in a place (in a world) so lovely. How could there possibly be wars and famine and poverty; I watch entranced as the night sky flies over me?

“Designated driver, on the information highway.”