Fixing stuff, myself included…
Moving Day
Can you guess what happened after making my big commitment. Spent much of today moving files, which luckily were on my hard drive to a new geocities site. Last night was kicked off anglefire (=denied access to my account). Most likely reason = my wild configuration of several image directories which I thought were allowing me to keep my blog going there. NOT! That said, and hours of agonzing labor pains later, I’m now the proud new parent of a geo baby.
What was the most difficult part of the birth process? Ftp failure over and over again getting the old 530 error (password or user name incorrect). Like everybody else out there, I know my own F-ing user name and password, thank you. Fix = finally changed my password and the ruby slippers began to click. I’m still working on “re URL-ing” my links, delete of old unnecessary test/transition posts and change over from archive list on main (not allowed on geocities) to a separate archive index. Will finally be able to sit back later today or tomorrow, and use this page for it’s intended purpose… ranting and raving and generally trying to figuring out what the hell it means to be alive, and just what it is I want to do with the rest of my life.