Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

So Old So Fast

It’s just one of those mornings; a kind of hold your forehead in the palm of your hand morning. Seems like only yesterday I was running to catch the big yellow bus, playing marbles and dodge ball. Not only am I an old graduate student, I was also an old undergad. I returned to college in 1994 at the age of 46 and recieved my BA. in 1996. Imediately I enrolled in graduate school with grandiose ideas of getting a Phd.

So what happened, howcome you never got one?

Well, I got sidetracked for a while by my interest in computers. My initial introduction to computers came via a graduate course in statistics, which included learning to use a statistical program called SPSS: “Oh my god… I don’t know the difference between storm windows and windows 98″. Futhermore, it was no small thing that math was never my strong point. While struggling to keep up with the statistics, I managed to teach myself how to use the computer. Shortly after I completed all the course work and passed the comps. (thesis still outstanding), a good friend gave me a laptop. Suddenly I was wild about getting up a Web site; that summer of 98′ I taught myself HTML. In the fall I started fooling around with Photoshop. “It’s a Photoshop sky”, or “is it a skyblue sky?” My right brained artist side rushed foward and said, “you go girl, this is what you want to do”, and my left brained Nancy Drew side said, “hey girl how do these programs work, what is behind that curtain?”.

Which one did you choose?

Initially I chose to peer behind the curtain; I enrolled at a local community college in an introductory programing analysis course. Then I went on to take C and C++. I struggled with more hair pulling math (the underlying basis of programing). My father said to me,

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtainDon’t you remember what they said in the Wizard of Oz? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” Duh, the lights went on and the right brained artist took her rightful place in the hierarchy of priorities.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”