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From the Catholic Encyclopedia:

“Amongst the most famous of these was Magdalena de la Cruz (1487-1560), a Franciscan nun of Cordova, who for many years was honoured as a saint. She was believed to have the stigmata and to take no other food than the Holy Eucharist. The Blessed Sacrament was said to fly to her tongue from the hand of the priest who was giving Holy Communion, and it seemed at such moments that she was raised from the ground. The same miraculous levitation took place during her ecstasies at which time also she was radiant with supernatural light. Falling dangerously ill in 1543, Magdalena confessed to a long career of hypocrisy, ascribing most of the marvels to the action of demons by which she was possessed, but maintaining their reality. She was sentenced by the Inquisition, in an auto-da-fé at Cordova, in 1546, to perpetual imprisonment in a convent of her order, and there she is believed to have ended her days most piously amid marks of the sincerest repentance (see Görres, “Mystik”, V, 168-174; Lea, “Chapters from Relig. Hist. of Spain”, 330-335).”

Are you obsessed with stigmata, or what?

No, but it does seem an appropriate place to begin vis a vis imposter. One would have to wonder at which time was Magdalena an imposter. Was it during her ecstasties, was it when the Holy Eucharist was flying to her tongue from the hand of the priest, was it in ascribing most of the marvels to the action of demons or was it ending her days most piously amid marks of the sincerest repentance?

What exactly do you mean by imposter in relation to yourself?

I mean those moments, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years within which I was not completely present and yet, pretended to be fully present, and even perhaps when the pretending was unconscious. I mean those times in which I failed to live entirely in the present unfettered by thoughts of concern for how I might be perceived/received. Living in the present requires being aware of the fact that you’re awake (ie aware of awareness), similarly lucidity in a dream requires being aware of the fact that you are dreaming while you are dreaming.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”