Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Crack of Dawn

you go girl

She ain’t no plumber either! My usual time to leap out of bed is 5:00 am. This morning the 5 o’clock transition between sleeping and waking required a vigorous shake to realign brain cells. Even a wee dip in the pool leaves a dog wet. It’s raining here, and thank god it’s not pouring, because, when it pours it rains in the kitchen. I simply must go up on the roof and cut the vines out of the gutter; sometimes one pays heavily for procrastination.

Speaking of procrastination, I do not procrastinate on things I like to do. Just finished new interface design and uploaded it to site this morning. Saw “Return of the Mummy” with my friend Su over the weekend. Influence is obvious.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”