Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…


When I was an adolescent, I dreamt that I was doing a handstand on 2 napkins just at the edge of a cliff. Two small children were there threatening to pull the napkins out from under me (like tiny magicians whisking the table cloth from the table and leaving the dishes intact). At the time I thought the children were more interested in seeing me topple over the edge than in performing magic. The drama took place behind Zep’s Gas Station; a one pump gas station that faded from existence years ago. Zep’s was on Rt. 2 when Rt. 2 was a 2 lane country road winding through Anne Arundel County, across South River and into Annapolis. In reality (waking life) there was no cliff behind the station, only gentle fields rolling up to forests.

So, what does it mean?

Living on the edge is not an easy feat (feet). It’s easier to stand on one’s feet than on one’s hands, as in “stand on your own 2 feet”.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”