Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Moving Again?

I know, I know, I just moved from Angelfire to Geocities! However, I didn’t know about Barry’s World (PHP, SSI, 20MB for free and NO popup) when I made the move; soooooo… I will at least move my blog there if not my entire site.

But, why move now after everything working?

Actually everything NOT working (ie comments removed because of problems for Netscape 4.7 users), and with PHP and SSI which are not available on Geocities I can try other comment codes. Also will be rid of annoying popups. Probably won’t make the switch until later today or tomorrow as I have pressing real world concerns today, like making faux marble columns look like real marble, and wouldn’t you know the columns are fluted! aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh…


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”