Fixing stuff, myself included…
Tongue in Shoe
That’s somewhere between tongue in cheek and foot in mouth. Then there’s hoof and mouth disease; maybe that’s where putting your foot in your mouth came from. Now we’ve got mad cow disease so goodbye beef tartar and hello well done.
How did we get from tongue in shoe to well done?
By jumping from one slightly off connection to another. Connections/associations are the quintessential wiring of our lives. It is the connections or the lack of connections that determine the flow of ideas, the path of a dream, and the values I assign to them if I am connected in ways that allow me to notice those particular connections. However, assigning a value to a variable doesn’t preclude assigning that same variable a different value at a different place in time or for that matter removing the variable from the equation.
If variables can always take on a different value, how can I be sure of anything?
The “answer” is you can’t! If you can live your life without any expectations, you will never be disappointed. This morning I am feeling disappointed.