Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Coffee in the AM

In my reply to an email this morning, I found myself writing about how little things can make us happy/satisfied especially when the big things aren’t going right. One of those little things is my 3 cups of coffee in the morning. It’s not even real coffee; it’s instant, but I happen to be the queen of instant coffee, or so I’ve been told. Well it turns out by the time I finished listing how my coffee has to be:

  • in a particular cup

  • with a particular kind of creamer

  • exactly the right amount of creamer

  • just the right temperature

I think maybe it’s not such a small thing after all. Check out spiders on caffeine and the weaving of webs.

What happened to the window?

Luckily the window did not blow out yesterday; I didn’t have to deal with it. I’m reminded of what a friend once said to me about car problems, “if the car starts to sound funny, just turn up the radio”. Apparently you’re only really in trouble if the radio stops working. Suddenly I’m nervous about the road trip I’m making today, because the radio hasn’t worked for about 6 months. Mostly I miss listening to the Diane Rehm Show on NPR. Today I will miss the little known radio ability to drown out car trouble. Since the window is still relatively in place, it joins the growing ranks of things that must be dealt with “someday”. “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, and if it’s broke don’t mess with it”.

Got anymore radio stories?

Yes, there is another little known radio secret, and that is the old “radio rationale” story. When I was a teenager I was upstairs in my room with my 2 sisters. We were getting stoned and listening to the radio. My dad came to the bottom of the stairway and called up, “what’s going on up there?” and one of my sisters replied, “oh just the radio dad.”


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”