Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…



Task of the day for me is filling in the unfinished pages of this site. I’ve become so obsessed with blogging that I’ve failed to complete this site in all it’s “glorious detail”. However, that said, I still have something to say before taking off for the hinterlands of the design galaxy.

What craziness are you willing to share today?

There is no light without darkness!

So what, anybody knows that?

Yeah, but do we really ever think about it? Only in a rearview mirror sort of way, is it part of our consciousness. The relationship between mirrors and reflection is odd in itself; rather like a film negative:

if you don’t know, or can’t remember how you took the picture it’s hard to tell from the negative which way is forwards and which is backwards unless there are words in the picture.

Well then, why do people say a picture is worth a thousand words?

Hmmmm, now that’s a good question. Perhaps it’s because some of us can’t read, or maybe because it only takes a second to look at a picture compared to the time it takes to read a thousand words, or it could be that pictures elicit more of an emotional response than words do, or it could be a thousand other reasons and each reason could be described in one word. Now if the last were the case and each word could be represented by an image, then what would you think? Now maybe you see convolutedly how one could become obsessed with blogging!

“Designated driver, on the information highway.”