Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…


Well, forget the “glorious details”; I spent a great part of yesterday trying to make an audio tutorial for interface design work as expected on NOT… so, I figure anyone coming here through Blogger is not going to care if my other pages aren’t complete as of yet. Rationalizing, in a heartbeat/artbeat I can do that with my hands tied behind my back.

Why is it so easy to rationalize?

Because it’s human nature to seek an explanation. We especially like explanations that fit with our point of view, or coincide with our expectations or wishes. Furthermore, we like those explanations to find no fault with decisions or choices we’ve made. Our first inclination is not necessarily Occam’s razor (the simplest of several hypotheses is always the best in accounting for unexplained facts).

What’s wrong with rationalization?

Keeping it all up in the air

All at once

If your inclination is always to provide yourself with the explanation most closely aligned with your point of view, then you may miss the opportunity of traveling to far off places and destinations of great mystery, because you are too busy keeping your ducks in a row.  However, if your inclination is to entertain all the possibilities (a universe juggler of sorts), the world retains it beauty, and you may find yourself moving in streams of flowing colors around brilliant islands of elegantly constructed theories, which may or may not be true. The view from the position of the juggler is vastly improved by his/her ablility to keep it all in motion, while deciding which ball to stop on. I think I’d better add another hat to my list: psuedo philosopher.

“Designated driver, on the information highway.”