Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Why do we Blog?

My lover asked me last night, “why don’t you just keep a journal?”

Why would I want to put “everything” out there on the internet for all to see? Is it because in my heart/mind I’m an exhibitionist? Is it because I have to think a little more before I commit and hit the publish button? Do I really put “everything” out there, and if not why not? Actually I think that for me blogging is somewhat constricting; I don’t put “everything” out there. Being someone with a tendency to push the limits, which is probably why sometimes I’m a non-recovering alcoholic rather than a recovering alcoholic, I would have to say that the constricting/restricting nature of my blog adventure is a positive Band-Aid on an open wound.

Oh my, where are you going with this?
Whenever I have the opportunity to jump on a swing, my instinct is to swing higher and higher. Legs pumping air, arms pulling hard against the chains the swing meets my every challenge. I always stop before the swing enters what I imagine would be a continuous loop around the fulcrum of time. Yes I know it’s an odd idea, a swing around time, but just imagine that instant between going up and coming down that instead of coming down you continued to go up and around. I remember one of my favorite things as a child was jumping car shadows. There is a moment when your body is off the ground and the car shadow glides uninterrupted below your dangling feet; that is the moment when time stops.

What do you mean time stops?

It’s not exactly that time stops, but rather that time is suspended. Suspended in such a way as to allow you to perceive a tiny piece of it. All those pieces strung together add up to time minus the invisible space in-between time and my experience of time.

Okay now you’ve lost me

Yeah, I think I lost myself as well. But, isn’t that the case that you would find if you traveled forward in time; you would have a difficult “time” remembering who you are without the continuity of time as a guide.

FYI: there are 2 meanings for the word Balthazar 1. one of the three Magi. 2. a wine bottle holding 13 quarts (12.3 liters).

“Designated driver, on the information highway.”