Fixing stuff, myself included…
Search Parameters?
What are we searching for?
There’s always something that’s been lost; perhaps it’s only a phone number on a small piece of paper, or is it that you can’t remember you mother’s birthday, or the zip code for the IRS, your social security number, your mind, or maybe the new name you’ve been given by the Federal Witness Protection Program (FWPP). The FWPP, now there’s something to talk about. It just occured to me that all those 404 (file not found) errors are probably connected in some nefarious fashion to this dubious program. Yes indeed if you can’t find it, it aint been lost it’s been “relocated” by “the men in black”. How about having 404 error, or Dead Duke of URL engraved on your tombstone. “All lost URLs please report to the relocation center.”
Where’s all this coming from?
Spent this morning configuring the site atomz search engine; but can’t seem to figure out how to make it index the text in the body of the documents not just the meta tags on the pages. Anybody with knowledge of the particulars of this process please leave a comment, or send me an email. I will be eternally grateful, showering you with praise publicly, or personally whichever you prefer.