Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Reflection != Resolutions

got any snake oil?Another year, why is it we mark years going by twice? You take account when it’s your birthday, and you chalk one up at New Years. Perhaps, you’re really twice as old as you think you are, a sort of Steven King life line. A “green mile” (you can buy just about anything on the internet) sort of guy or gal. Someone with a palm carved with lines that thwart the best of palm readers; you are untouchable to psychics, or readers of the tarot cards. Here’s an odd site that claims to help you tell the difference between a real and a fake palmist, and even has a page on hand transplants. God save us from all the charlatan palm readers! Just think about this: if you had a hand transplant and didn’t tell the palmist you could be arrested by the hand police, or the snake-oil vigilantes for fraud. Keep the hands you came with, and don’t let life slip through your fingers; in other words keep your hands to yourself!

Aren’t you going to make any New Years resolutions?

Yeah I’m going to make some resolutions. One of them is to live my life without expectations (easier said than done), and the others I’m not sure of yet. Maybe resolution #2 should be to live my life with my hands tied behind my back; then I can be sure of keeping them to myself.

“Before God we are all equally wise – and equally foolish.”

— Albert Einstein


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”