Fixing stuff, myself included…
Get Serious
My grandmother would say, “it’s time to get a move on.” Time to stop fooling around and get back to work on my thesis…yuck is what comes to my mind. I just don’t want to, but I’ve got to. I’d much rather fool around with flash and programing and anything else but! Also I gave this URL to my lover after all my ambivalence over whether or not to do it.
What’s that got to do with anything?
It might mean I won’t say as much as I used to here, or maybe not. I’ve got lots of other hats, besides romantic fool. So maybe I’ll just put that one in the back of the closet for a while. It’s possible that I’ve been wearing it backwards anyway, and I’m way too old to be wearing it backwards.
“If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe.”
–Carl Sagan