Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…


If you find that even the smallest things can tick you off, it’s time to purchase a new clock. The weather prediction is for 60 degrees in Baltimore, and I’m feeling about 60 degrees off center today. Just guessing, but I think that means I’d better straighten up my act.

What ARE you talking about?

Acting out is so over, so I guess I’ll be acting in a fashion more suitable to my circumstances. Circumstances being such as they are, preclude any crossing of borders. In other words things are all f—ed up.

You’re evading the issue. What things?

Kind of like, “he can shout, don’t hear you” wav from the Firesign Theater.

Later: Sometimes the smallest things can make a big difference, and I’m not talking about subtraction. I was beginning to think that I would never again hear from my lover (i.e.” things are all f—ed up”) after sending this URL (see prior post), and that I would be dragged away ranting and raving by the blog URL police. Then miraculously a letter appeared in my email account, and with a quivering finger I clicked on the mail. I discovered I’m not in the doghouse as far as I know, or at least not yet.

“Only the spoon knows what is stirring in the pot.”

–Sicilian Proverb


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”