Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…


Faulty wiring, yes I think that’s what I came here with. According to some it’s the hardwiring that makes a difference, and others will tell you it’s the environment. If you feel like you’ve shorted out, (I’m not referring to midgets and dwarfs) then you better call the electrician pronto. Do make sure that he or she is qualified to delve into matters most delicate. Some wires are better left, or right in place. Accepting the logic that follows naturally from the hardwiring argument is counter productive/irrational in terms of living in a cohesive society (i.e. “I was born bad, and therefore I’m not responsible for anything I do”).

So what?

Imagine if you can, a town where the only available therapist is a behaviorist. A hard nosed thick skinned (skinnarian), a mad electrician with power to burn, he would be somewhere between Stanley Millgram and a character out of The Magus. You are a newcomer to this town and desperately in search of a therapist; a replacement for that the oh so nice Rogerian you left behind. Each individual you encounter makes you feel more and more like George Bailey when he discovers that Bedford Falls is Pottersville, but you’re alone here with no Clarence to wake you up at the proper moment.

Okkkkkkay already, I’m there. Now what?

electrical brain activity = hardwiringAlrighty then, you admit that you feel like the new woman in the Stepford Wives, who’s questioning the motives of everyone. Well, sounds like you definitely need a therapist; you’ve bloghopped, or is it bloghobbled yourself into a dicey position, only to find that the road leads back to the electrician.

“Humor is perhaps a sense of intellectual perspective: an awareness that some things are really important, others not; and that the two kinds are most oddly jumbled in everyday affairs.”

–Christopher Morley


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”