Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Better Left Unsaid

I ran upon a blog yesterday that went on for at least two paragraphs about doing the laundry; there was even a link to a prior laundry day post. eeeeeeek! I asked myself, “is this tongue in cheek?, is this blog sarcasm?, is this the real life of someone who should watch soap operas, but blogs instead? or is this what will happen to me when I’ve run out of [thinks] to say?” When will I cross over from blogger to borer?

Don’t you know bloggers are supposed to be kind to one another?

Yes, and god knows the thing we fear the most is being boring. Boring is probably the last thing on a very long list of things I’d rather not be.

Ah, but don’t forget fear itself.

Thank you Winston Churchill, and since you brought it up, let’s talk about fear. Is boring the most frightening thing to be really? When faced with boring, or x there are only a few instances in which I’d choose boring over x.

Would you rather be dead, or boring?

Aren’t they the same thing? Perhaps there is a correlation, but that’s not the same thing as cause and effect. If the effect is boring, then wash your hands of the hole (as in boring a hole) affair, don’t look back and for god’s sake don’t show us the laundry be it clean or dirty.

Are you writing in code again?

But write anyway

“Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or doing it better.”

–John Updike

Even laundry?


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”