Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Painter NOT Painting

shell painting jf CatesHow is it that I have a passion for painting, but I haven’t painted in six months? How did so many “people” break in line ahead of the painter? Even “folks” like, “well I’ve quit drinking and I always drink wine when I’m painting so…” If you don’t give what it is you love top priority, there will always be something/someone you’ve got to take care of, do first, or before or in the middle of.

Why don’t you just start painting?

I could say I’ve got painters block, but it’s not true. My grandmother would say, “you made your bed, so lie in it”. Currently she’s probably right, and that’s what I’m doing, but it ain’t pleasant.

What’s wrong with your bed?

It’s not so much the bed, as it is one of those people who broke in line ahead of the painter, right before the painter was about to make her bed. The old graduate student (see hat list) said, “if you don’t let me get ahead of you, all the student loan money will be wasted.” This is the last semester in which the completion of the thesis will lead to an MA, so she’s in charge for another four months, while the rest of us languish in the background. Multitasking is one thing, and multipersonality is another!

Are you saying you have MPD?

Not really; I guess I’m saying I just don’t want to play the old graduate student today, but I will anyway, and someday soon I’ll get to be the painter again. You would think that someone who returns to school late in life would know exactly, “who/what they wanted to be when they grow up.” I’m here to tell you that’s not always the case, and no I’m not going to be a diletante when I grow up either.

“Every man has his follies — and often they are the most interesting thing he has got.”

–Josh Billings


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”