Fixing stuff, myself included…
Trade Secrets
“I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours”, we all remember that one! Trading secrets is the beginning of building trust between two people. Don’t you find that a little odd? It’s not just trading histories with each other as if they were baseball cards. It’s not just sharing information which ends or begins with, “now you can’t tell anyone else about this…”, or “you can’t tell so and so…” Trading secrets is more than gossip.
What’s the difference?
If it’s gossip you’re merely exchanging “pleasantries”. A secret when revealed contains within it a part of you. The sum of those revealed parts is the measure of trust you are capable of maintaining within a particular relationship. Your measure may be larger or smaller than the measure of your friend/lover/wife/husband.
Are we drawn most to those who reveal themselves, or to those who elicit the [revealer] within us? They are not necessarily one and the same.
“There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.”
–Bertrand Russell