Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Mental Prosthesis

Yes, in these troubled times of who done what to whom, a mental prosthesis is paramount if you’re hobbled by bees in your head.

Bees in your head?

bees in your headNotice I didn’t post yesterday? That was due to the number of bees found bumbling around in the frontal lobes. A mental prosthesis is like a Freudian bridge for the mouth; however, one must be constantly on the lookout for feet. “Four feet under”, that’s what they said, “if you’ve got bees in your head you may as well be four feet under.” Now that’s something you can get your teeth into.

So that’s why you didn’t post?

Well, not exactly. I got sidetracked off into php land; that’s where the bees come in. I started thinking how cool the blogsnob ads are, and wanted to figure out how to do it without using javaScript. So I’m reading a php tutorial at daholygoat. Ah, I see I need to download the apache webserver as well as the php engine. Oh, and then I’ve got to find the absolute coolest freeware super text editor. The text editor I found HTML-KIT is pretty damn cool; however, then I spent way too much time downloading and installing a wide variety of pluggins for it and then figuring out how to use them. Meanwhile, I’m still on the first page of the tutorial; hours go by while I’m trying to figure out how number one, to configure the server as console, and then two, from console to server, and how to install the php engine. And why does it need my SMPT mail? I still don’t know s..t about how to set up the ads using php!

What’s on your plate for today?

I think I’ll chew on something my own size for a change the thesis in exchange for the prosthesis; although there’s nothing I like better than trying to figure out [knew] “stuff”, or should I say trying to swallow more than I can chew?

“Imagine the Creator as a stand up commedian – and at once the world becomes explicable.”

–H. L. Mencken

Final Note

Speaking of prosthetics here’s a very weird site: cutoffmyfeet. Real? Sick? Sad? Joke? I have no idea? = Inexplicable!


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”