Fixing stuff, myself included…
Things Not Forgotten
Okay… I haven’t forgotten the soon to be unveiled Psychic Revealer I promised you on 1/20/2002; she’s still in the works. And two, I haven’t given up on figuring out a blogsnob/pyRad type of exchange for the Testzone either. However, after the fiasco with apache and trying to configure my new ISP so that I could stay online for more than five seconds, I’m a little bit leery about entering the PHP realm and, I think I’ll try to set it up with javaScript instead. But, then again I do want to learn PHP so you’ll just have to wait and see what comes up on that one.
Are you really an internet junky?
I said yesterday that I was without question. So why are you questioning me?
How bout, are you content being an internet junky?
I’ve got to ask myself the question, whether or not I’m shutting out the “real world” by spending so much time online? And then if the answer is yes, question two = do I really want to shut out the “real world?” and if the answer to question two = yes, I’d better rewrite the pseudo code in such a way that I’m forced to deal more directly with the variables in my data field.
Are you a computer?
While most questions require a simple yes or no, 1 or 0, on or off, I fail to see the logic in your reasoning. Therefore, I must inform you that your particular kind of logic has produced an infinite loop. Since all our available memory is now going in circles, we’ll just have to see the psychic about that! Stayed tuned for her infinite wisdom.
“The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.”
–Oscar Wilde
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”