Fixing stuff, myself included…
Painter NOT Painting
How is it that I have a passion for painting, but I haven’t painted in six months? How did so many “people” break in line ahead of the painter? Even “folks” like, “well I’ve quit drinking and I always drink wine when I’m painting so…” If you don’t give what it is you love top priority, there will always be something/someone you’ve got to take care of, do first, or before or in the middle of.
Why don’t you just start painting?
I could say I’ve got painters block, but it’s not true. My grandmother would say, “you made your bed, so lie in it”. Currently she’s probably right, and that’s what I’m doing, but it ain’t pleasant.
What’s wrong with your bed?
It’s not so much the bed, as it is one of those people who broke in line ahead of the painter, right before the painter was about to make her bed. The old graduate student (see hat list) said, “if you don’t let me get ahead of you, all the student loan money will be wasted.” This is the last semester in which the completion of the thesis will lead to an MA, so she’s in charge for another four months, while the rest of us languish in the background. Multitasking is one thing, and multipersonality is another!
Are you saying you have MPD?
Not really; I guess I’m saying I just don’t want to play the old graduate student today, but I will anyway, and someday soon I’ll get to be the painter again. You would think that someone who returns to school late in life would know exactly, “who/what they wanted to be when they grow up.” I’m here to tell you that’s not always the case, and no I’m not going to be a diletante when I grow up either.
“Every man has his follies — and often they are the most interesting thing he has got.”
–Josh Billings
Sharing pyRads
If you’ve never heard of Jeremy’s Prophecy, take a look. Then go here to be a supporting character in Keith Kimmmel’s next novel.
What’s up with you?
It’s a beautiful day in Baltimore, and I’ve got an awful lot to accomplish today, so I guess not much to say. Where is love when you need it? I can answer my own question for a change; it’s when you don’t need it that you feel it. It’s where you left it the last time you felt it.
Not much to say?
Wherever you are, I hope the sun is shinning, or the moon is full, and your life is filled with nuts and bolts and screws that make you want to live another day. So figure out how to give what you have “away” around the mess you’re in.
“The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.”
–Theodore Rubin
Are You Dreaming Now?
“Mentalrollerderby” that’s the name of my lucid dreaming site; I mention it today, because last night I had a lucid dream. It’s seems that lucidity has become a rare event in my life lately.
I think there is a correlation between how conscious you are in waking life and the frequency of lucid dreams. More conscious in waking life = higher frequency of lucid dreams. What was particularly interesting about the dream last night was the fact that I entered directly from the waking state to the dream state (hypnagogic). Thus arriving in the dream lucid, rather than striving to become lucid within an ordinary dream. Even when using the technique described in my prior post, my experience has most often been discovering lucidity within the dream, and not arriving fully lucid.
What happened?
I was lying in my bed, and the next thing I knew I was walking on a road along the side of a steep incline in the forest. I immediately knew it was a dream, and noticed a red roof from the house set slightly down the incline. I leapt from the road to the roof and without concern jumped/flew from the other side of the roof out over a wide valley. I flew over the valley; when I looked up I noticed storm clouds with light filtering through them. I rose up flying towards the heart of the storm and then I awoke.
3:45 Blogger Confession In Waking Life
Just purchased more pyRads; the confession part is that it’s as much for me as in support of keeping blogger free. Apparently I’m now not only addicted to writing/posting everyday, but to having readers as well. Anybody got more news on the rumor about blogger charging $$ for blog service? I heard/read $30 bucks a year.
4:45 Blogger Rumor
Here’s what I found re the rumors: $$$ for premium service on blogger?
“What a peculiar privilege has this little agitation of the brain which we call ‘thought’.”
Flash Psychic Revealer
Yup, that’s what I’m going to be working on today. Like the Love Testing Machine, (see top left) it will use a random function to answer your most important questions. You won’t find any “try later” or “comeback tomorrow” from this hot cookie, because this psychic knows what you’re looking for.
So what else is going on?
Going on the wagon, going to lunch, going to play in the snow… Yeah finally it snowed here in Baltimore, we got about four inches and it’s melting fast.
“In the fields of observation chance favors only the prepared mind.”
–Louis Pasteur
The Emperor’s Clothes
“Those without soap throw clothes”, that’s a comment left by weasle on yesterday’s post. I like your brain weasle, it wiggles. The turn, or slight twist of a phrase can change everything. I won’t go so far as to say everything, everywhere for everybody, but I will say this: it’s the flexiblity of your synaptic gaps that allow information transformation/expansion. Furthermore, allowing existence without closure enables us to continue living in a world of anxiety while not becoming anxious ourselves.
“Don’t worry about people stealing an idea. If it’s original, you will have to ram it down their throats.”
–Howard Aiken
Better Left Unsaid
I ran upon a blog yesterday that went on for at least two paragraphs about doing the laundry; there was even a link to a prior laundry day post. eeeeeeek! I asked myself, “is this tongue in cheek?, is this blog sarcasm?, is this the real life of someone who should watch soap operas, but blogs instead? or is this what will happen to me when I’ve run out of [thinks] to say?” When will I cross over from blogger to borer?
Don’t you know bloggers are supposed to be kind to one another?
Yes, and god knows the thing we fear the most is being boring. Boring is probably the last thing on a very long list of things I’d rather not be.
Ah, but don’t forget fear itself.
Thank you Winston Churchill, and since you brought it up, let’s talk about fear. Is boring the most frightening thing to be really? When faced with boring, or x there are only a few instances in which I’d choose boring over x.
Would you rather be dead, or boring?
Aren’t they the same thing? Perhaps there is a correlation, but that’s not the same thing as cause and effect. If the effect is boring, then wash your hands of the hole (as in boring a hole) affair, don’t look back and for god’s sake don’t show us the laundry be it clean or dirty.
Are you writing in code again?
But write anyway
“Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or doing it better.”
–John Updike
Even laundry?