Fixing stuff, myself included…
NOT Intuitive?
It appears both the Love Testing Machine and the Psychic Revealer are not as intuitive to use as I thought they were. A friend of mine, yesterday did not know to click on the heart to get the love answer, and didn’t know to click on the tiny quivering ball to get the truth out of the Psychic. So I’ve got to do some reworking of a couple of the flash files and/or include some instructions on the first few frames. Maybe I could just include brief instructions directly under the links.
Why are you telling us this?
So if you go there today you’ll have some idea what to do if you’re one of “those people” without a clue. Actually, it’s probably only those people without a clue that would be using “da machine”, or asking the psychic to reveal the truth. And just what is the truth on any given day varies from one moment to the next. Maybe that’s what lies are – variations of the truth at any given moment. After all a diplomat is a gentlemen who lies in the interest of his country.
Do you have any idea what you’re talking about?
Yes and no, and that’s because, I’ve given it a lot of thought, the moment that is. How many questions are there to which you could answer yes and no? You don’t [no]? I’ve found it slides more easily when you can yes, but it’s helpful to include no in your repertoire nonetheless. After all if you can never say no, how much is your yes worth? And speaking of worth, is it worth your while (whatever that means?) to be reading this at all? Worthwhileness, don’t you find that an odd word? I do. How do you rate the worthwhileness of something?
Is blogging worthwhile?
Are you a blog writer, or a blog reader, or both? Do you write for your own pleasure, or do you write for an audience? We don’t ask if we read for an audience, unless you’re a proof reader, reading is a solitary pleasure without question. You’ll have to answer your own question; for me it’s definitely worthwhile so that’s a resounding yes and not no.
“No legacy is so rich as honesty.”
–William Shakespeare