Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Terrible Tuesday or Tuesday Too?

Okay, so I might be planning something like the Friday Five. Here are the real questions: what do you really want to know about your fellow bloggers? How much of what you reveal in your blog/log/journal is the real you (i.e. %80 real, 20% bs)? One more, just because, it’s Tuesday: What is your most cherished belief; the one where you can’t sit on your hands when it comes up in conversation?

Are you serious?

Just a thought; what got me in the question mode was an email this morning reminding me I joined Blogger Insider, which randomly pairs me up with another blogger. We pose questions and then answer the other’s questions. So if you come here, you’ll see I’m dreaming/drumming/dredging up your questions, while I’m considering the Tuesday Too. I like the idea of three questions; Tuesday Too sounds better than Tuesday Three, and by using too instead of two I can get away with three questions, because there are too many questions.

Have you totally lost your mind?

Not completely, but I do seem to have misplaced it momentarily. Initiating startup sequence, mind search now in progress. Would you like a status report? Yes! Your mind was last seen on a particular Sunday last month roaming the mine fields of data overload. As far as we can tell you experienced a core dump due to an infinite loop. Therefore, you are advised to use any and all means available to remove yourself from the loop as expeditiously as possible.

Are you hiding something in the code?

That is a possibility; however, it’s entirely possible that the code is quite straightforward, but you have to take into consideration that I’ve never known my right from my left.

“There’s a very fine line between a groove and a rut; a fine line between eccentrics and people who are just plain nuts.”

–Christine Lavin, “Prisoners of their Hairdos”


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”