Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Get a Life!

Age discrimination at the ageless project (no, there’s no link here)? Ha, no link between “Get a Life” and the ageless project that is. Wonder why there are only 14 people in the forties category? Are they just too busy to add another site? Have they stopped adding sites to the project, because the project is over (so over, so old)? They say you’re over the top when you bump over 50; it’s kind of like a speed bump. As you near fifty, you slow down, take your foot off the pedal, you might even have to hit the brake so as not to ruin the suspension system when you roll over the bump. As you watch the bump diminish in the rearview mirror, with your foot pressed firmly once again on the gas pedal, you notice that the little red needle is pointing to E. E does not stand for enough, or elephant or education, oh no, E stands for epiphany. Yes you experience an epiphany as the car rolls quietly off onto the shoulder of the road. The pulsing glow from the plastic virgin Mary on the dashboard consumes your vision. The car rocks back and forth as if the tiny virgin pulses were sent directly to the… hmmm, I seem to have lost my train of thought here?

What about the ageless project?

I will tell you that I was a bit over zealous in my attempt to become one of those listed (screen capture) on the project. The day after I registered/submitted my information, (Jan. 17) I designed and emailed a button to the project. I received a prompt reply thanking me for the button/link (see right side page) and informing me in all honesty that the button in no way would guarantee my acceptance. Well so far I’m not listed there, but the real question is why do I give a rats A**? That’s what I mean by get a life! It’s the internet junky trying to take over and run the show. Show me a reason why I shouldn’t give up being online entirely, instead of entirely being online and I’ll show you mine.

So how old are you?

Old enough (sometimes E does stand for enough) to be the mother of most of my readers I imagine. Old enough to wish I’d fall in love again, but old enough to think I won’t. Old enough to have an awful lot of baggage which didn’t come with wheels. Speaking of age, one has got to wonder just how relevant age is in relation to how much time your willing to devote to a cyberspace life. The Time Travel Research Center will leave you either laughing or, gasping for air from a different era.

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

–William Shakespeare


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”