Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Ice Trays

Yes, ice trays can signal a new beginning. It’s time for one when you open the freezer, and find five trays completely devoid of cubes. The only thing chilling is a bottle of vodka. Rushing the trays between sink and freezer you feel control returning. Within hours the hardening of the water gives you power, and power is a tradable commodity. Now all you need is the formula for turning the moving sea to ice, and I don’t mean thin ice. There will be no skating on thin ice, and skating is called for in this situation.

What situation?

unfurled snaggletoothed = googlewhackGooglewhacking (see Monday’s post) of course if you want to whack/not hack… there’s always a better way. Here’s my whack (unfurled snaggletoothed) which after the google robots cruise my site again won’t be one, because my URL will come up as well, and thus there will no longer be 1 of 1 = whack!. If you want to figure out your googlewhack score you multiply the number of times the first word alone comes up, times the number of times the second word alone comes up.

Why would I whack?

All I can tell you is just like the .coms the whacks will quickly slip from your grasp; you’ll be left standing with no whacks and no place to go. A surfboard without wax is not a safe bet, so set google as your start page and “whackattack” the waves.

“Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.”

–Jonathan Larson


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”