Fixing stuff, myself included…
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My two day hiatus from blogging felt much longer, and yes I skipped Valentines Day both here and in “real life.” My research project is back on track; once again the light is visible at the end of the tunnel. It turns out I can collect some of my data via the Web. It does require amending my proposal previously filed with the Human Subjects Review Board, but that’s no big deal.
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Questions this round from Jaz Gordon.
1.) They’ve perfected cloning and brain transplants. You’re in an accident, and they need to transplant your brain to a new body, but the only bodies available are those of celebrities. Which do you choose?
Nicole Kidman
2.) If you could write your own epitaph, what would it be?
She always said, “Wherever you go there you are.” So here she is.
3.) What is your favorite word in the English language to say?
Love inbetween two words.
4.) What is your least favorite?
Skewed as in distribution.
5.) What is your biggest pet peeve?
Sheep mentality in any form – politics, religion, nationalism…
6.) What’s your favorite website?
David Gary Studios: this is a flash site, but it’s very fast loading. Don’t forget to turn on the sound.
7.) What’s your first childhood memory?
I’m in the first grade; my head cradled in my arms on my desk. I’ve decided I don’t like school, and I’m going to tell Mrs. Long that I’m sick. Perhaps this is my first memory of trying to manipulate the adult world. Am I the artist/creator here, the little impostor or both, or just a “sick” little kid?
8.) If you were sentenced to die, what would you choose for your final meal?
Red wine and bread… and then some Ethiopian kitfo quite rare. Not being a desert person, I’ll skip that and have Tia Maria with my coffee and last cigarette.
9.) What is your goal in life?
Seems to always be just somewhere around the corner; forever chasing one muse or another without ever quite catching up before she dashes out of sight. I want to be an excellent painter and that particular muse I will chase till my last meal. Underneath all the wanderings lies one eternal goal to give as much as I have to give, and to learn as much about everything that I possibly can. Having said all that, my immediate goal is to finish my master’s thesis and grab my piece of paper in May, which by the way has nothing to do with painting, so go figure?
10.) Is your life now what you expected it to be when you were younger?
No, because when I was younger I expected it would be perfect, and it is not. However, living my life without expectations is something I strive for. It is the expectation, be it positive or negative that gets in the way of the moment.
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”
–Mother Theresa