Fixing stuff, myself included…
Is it true there are always more questions than answers, or is it that there are many answers to the same question? I suppose it depends on the nature of the question. Do you have a questioning nature? Perhaps we should talk about the nature of questioning, or is that out of the question?
Is your sanity questionable?
At the moment it’s beyond question. When you find yourself beyond question it’s only a question of time before it’s out of the question.
Are you going to ask really weird questions?
Absolutely not; I’m going to ask questions that will let you show a little of who you are if you want to. I’m going to ask questions that might make you think or laugh or wonder what you really think about such and such.
How is anybody going know about the Tuesday Too?
I’m sending out some emails to friends, and to some of the people who do the friday five. So I hope I see you guys here tonight after midnight for the first Tuesday Too.