Fixing stuff, myself included…
Bumpy Start
Tuesday Too seemed to bounce between a rock and a hard place on it’s first foray into the cyber realm; however, after the bouncing stopped we have thirty something folks willing to hop on the bus. For some reason the bus makes me think of Bruce Willis madly driving his yellow cab in the Fifth Element. Yeah it got panned by Salon, but then so do a lot of things. If you can get passed the bad press, it’s got some pretty cool maneuvers. Thanks to Eve at for getting passed the Tuesday Too bad press, and putting out some of the flames here yesterday.
What’s going on in your “real life”?
Back on the stick with collecting more data for my lucid dreaming research project. Hopefully I’ll get at least twenty more subjects tomorrow, and then the rest will be gather via the Web at two different universities.
Anything else?
Yes, something hard to deal with. My cat who is 17 years old has kidney failure, or declining kidney function as the vet said. So every couple of days I take him in to get him re-hydrated. I think the time is running out on his clock pretty guickly these last few days. It makes me realize no matter how much, or how little you have that time is so precious, because that’s all we really have.
“All life is an experiment.”
–Ralph Waldo Emerson