Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Seeing the Sites

Yesterday and today I’ve been cruising around to almost all the sites of the folks who did the Tuesday Too. Still have a few more to visit today and I’m glad that I do; it’s been a pleasure to see what other folks are doing/saying with their blogs.

Yes I need distractions so here’s

the Friday Five

1. Hey baby, what’s your sign, and does it fit?

Leo: that probably explains my over zealous pursuit of the Friday Fivers too boost the Tuesday Too. So yes I guess it somewhat fits, but in “real life” I’m not the truly gregarious extroverted type associated with Leo.

2. Worst birthday gift you ever received?

My invitation to join AARP; that was definitely my most eeeeeeck birthday.

3. The best birthday gift?

A surfboard on my 40th! However, I must confess it’s lived atop the shower rod for the last few years and is definitely due for a trip to the beach. Bring on the spring!

4. The best way you’ve celebrated your b day?

On a sailboat with friends and family on the Chesapeake Bay; the best times for summer sailing on the bay are mid week so you avoid the large power boat wakes and sounds. So it was one of those days; the only sounds you hear are conversation, wind and waves, or flapping sails if you happen to pick a windless day. Our day was perfect with a 7 knot wind out of the east.

5. Weekend Plans?

I’m getting together with a couple of friends for happy hour at the local watering hole tonight. So if Baltimore is in your neck of the woods stop by Rocky Run in Charles Village between 5 and 6:00. I’ll be the one wearing the black and white beaded bracelet on my right wrist. You might be surprised. Rest of the weekend is open ended.

“No man is ever old enough to know better.”

–Holbrook Jackson


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”