Fixing stuff, myself included…
How are we connected to each other? What makes those connections stick or come unglued? Sometimes the connection with a stranger can astound you. Here’s one particular connection I stumbled across today. While still out there cruising the sites of those who chose to do the Tuesday Too, to my surprise I arrived on Leah’s page with three cats all dressed up. Presumably they have somewhere to go. Well that kitty in the middle is a clone of my guy who moved out of town on Wednesday, but that’s not all. Abbott my friend/housemate who does not “do the net thing”, related this morning a dream: He’s at a wedding and they can’t get started because the best man hasn’t arrived. The best man turns out to be my cat all dressed up.
Is this some kind of Freudian dream analysis?
Absolutely not; it’s Jung all the way to the wonderment of how we connect with each other in uncanny ways.
“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.”
–G. K. Chesterton