Fixing stuff, myself included…
Tuesday Too
1.) In what way is your online personality different from your off line personality?
Online I am much more “out there”, sometimes to the point of saying things I probably shouldn’t have said, or should have said to an individual directly rather then to the whole world. Then the question becomes do I restrain myself online, or catch up offline?
2.) Do you have an unusual animal story? Tell us about it.
When I was a kid growing up beside the river, I found a baby duck on the shore that only had one webbed foot. The other foot had probably been lost to a crab or a snapping turtle. The duck lived in a box with his little leg bandaged up for about a month. I started taking the duck down to the beach to swim after the wound healed. The first few times we went he could only swim in circles. As he got stronger he learned to compensate for the missing foot and by the end of the summer had managed to keep with up the other ducks. So off he went just like the rest of us.
3.) Why would you, or wouldn’t you want your mother to read your blog?
My mother has known me long enough to be calm in the face of danger; in fact there’s not much that rattles her. I wouldn’t mind if she read it, but I wouldn’t point her in this direction, because most of what I say here she’s heard about from me already.
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