Fixing stuff, myself included…
Well, the weird weather here is alarming; yesterday = another 60 degree day in charm city hon. No winter snow anywhere and already not enough water! Is this global warming, or only a regional weirdness, and next year we’ll be freezing our asses of again? It’s not just Maryland; it’s the entire eastern seaboard that’s experiencing this odd weather pattern. I’m wondering about the other side of the world, and what’s going on there? And as I wonder I’m reminded, one of the things I’m most ashamed of is the United States lack of commitment in protecting the environment, both here and around the world.
Why did you title this post links?
It doesn’t have anything to do with the weather, or maybe in a bizarre way it does. Whether you care or not that is the question, or is it the answer? What I’m getting at is I’m going to link to everybody who’s doing the Tuesday Too.
Sooner, or later?
Soon as I can get around to it.
Aren’t you supposed to be working on your thesis?
Yeah, so I guess I better do the links today, and then not post for a couple of days. In other words, go cold turkey on blogging, so I can focus on what I don’t want to do, but must.
“When I hear somebody sigh, ‘Life is hard,’ I am always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?'”
–Sydney Harris