Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Terrible Tuesday or Tuesday Too?

Okay, so I might be planning something like the Friday Five. Here are the real questions: what do you really want to know about your fellow bloggers? How much of what you reveal in your blog/log/journal is the real you (i.e. %80 real, 20% bs)? One more, just because, it’s Tuesday: What is your most cherished belief; the one where you can’t sit on your hands when it comes up in conversation?

Are you serious?

Just a thought; what got me in the question mode was an email this morning reminding me I joined Blogger Insider, which randomly pairs me up with another blogger. We pose questions and then answer the other’s questions. So if you come here, you’ll see I’m dreaming/drumming/dredging up your questions, while I’m considering the Tuesday Too. I like the idea of three questions; Tuesday Too sounds better than Tuesday Three, and by using too instead of two I can get away with three questions, because there are too many questions.

Have you totally lost your mind?

Not completely, but I do seem to have misplaced it momentarily. Initiating startup sequence, mind search now in progress. Would you like a status report? Yes! Your mind was last seen on a particular Sunday last month roaming the mine fields of data overload. As far as we can tell you experienced a core dump due to an infinite loop. Therefore, you are advised to use any and all means available to remove yourself from the loop as expeditiously as possible.

Are you hiding something in the code?

That is a possibility; however, it’s entirely possible that the code is quite straightforward, but you have to take into consideration that I’ve never known my right from my left.

“There’s a very fine line between a groove and a rut; a fine line between eccentrics and people who are just plain nuts.”

–Christine Lavin, “Prisoners of their Hairdos”


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”

Web/Blog Rings?

I’ll admit it; I’ve spent the morning joining rings of various kinds. Why would I do something like that? Well… I want to pump up the volume. Oh, and by the way, if you’re not spending your time joining rings you should be googlewacking.

Pump up the volume?

Pump it up, cause not the Dead Duke of URLYou know, increase traffic, as in go directly to da testzone, do not pass go, do not collect $200. In other words, I’d like to see some comments on these rants. So just go ahead, and say something for god’s sake, or your sake, or my sake! I know you’re out there. What are you thinking about as you lurk in the surf? Which waves are crashing on your beach? Maybe I should start a ring called “Soup to Nuts” or “URLzone.” Yeah, URLzone I like that, wonder if it’s already a .com?

“When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it.”

–Bernard Bailey


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”

NOT Intuitive?

It appears both the Love Testing Machine and the Psychic Revealer are not as intuitive to use as I thought they were. A friend of mine, yesterday did not know to click on the heart to get the love answer, and didn’t know to click on the tiny quivering ball to get the truth out of the Psychic. So I’ve got to do some reworking of a couple of the flash files and/or include some instructions on the first few frames. Maybe I could just include brief instructions directly under the links.

Why are you telling us this?

So if you go there today you’ll have some idea what to do if you’re one of “those people” without a clue. Actually, it’s probably only those people without a clue that would be using “da machine”, or asking the psychic to reveal the truth. And just what is the truth on any given day varies from one moment to the next. Maybe that’s what lies are – variations of the truth at any given moment. After all a diplomat is a gentlemen who lies in the interest of his country.

Do you have any idea what you’re talking about?

Yes and no, and that’s because, I’ve given it a lot of thought, the moment that is. How many questions are there to which you could answer yes and no? You don’t [no]? I’ve found it slides more easily when you can yes, but it’s helpful to include no in your repertoire nonetheless. After all if you can never say no, how much is your yes worth? And speaking of worth, is it worth your while (whatever that means?) to be reading this at all? Worthwhileness, don’t you find that an odd word? I do. How do you rate the worthwhileness of something?

Is blogging worthwhile?

Are you a blog writer, or a blog reader, or both? Do you write for your own pleasure, or do you write for an audience? We don’t ask if we read for an audience, unless you’re a proof reader, reading is a solitary pleasure without question. You’ll have to answer your own question; for me it’s definitely worthwhile so that’s a resounding yes and not no.

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.”

–William Shakespeare


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”

Psychic Revealer

She has finally arrived and now lives on the right side of the page with the Love Testing Machine. Go ahead ask the Psychic Reavealer a question; her identity and answers will surprise you. By the way, if you don’t like the answer ask her again or ask her something else; she has many answers for the curious.

Why should I ask her anything?

There must be more to life than having everythingWhat you know everything already? I think not; however, if you’re the type of person who has all the answers would you please send me an email, or leave a comment with a few hints as to where the answers to everything might be found. On the other hand, as Maurice Sendak said, “there must be more to life than having everything.” The quote comes from my all time favorite book in the world “Higglety Pigglety Pop! or There Must be More to Life.”

“We can try to avoid making choices by doing nothing, but even that is a decision.”

–Gary Collins


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”

“Pure and Simple Truth”

as Oscar Wide said “…is rarely pure and never simple.” True today may = false tomorrow.

Duh…what else is [knew]?

Okay, so I came from the planet Zerronack and everything there is chicken soup and beetle nuts. The chicken soup keeps you healthy and the beetle nuts keep you high and wise beyond your years. High on the top of Mount Tulips (two lips) we drank the soup and munched the nuts. At no time did we see the natural inhabitants of the forest trying to carve from rock or wood, sculpt from mud or otherwise create in any shape or form Mr. Peanut. However, a small replica of the Elizabeth City skyline made from melted M&Ms (without the nuts) was found at the summit. Our adventure was cut short by the honorable Mr. Potatoehead when he discovered upon closer inspection of the Jersey skyline replica the initials of his recently departed wife Ms Potatoehead quite clearly etched on the side of one of the tiny oil refineries. All of Mr. Potatoehead’s eyes brimmed with tears of joy and wonderment as he threw his cast shadow between the chocolate Elizabeth City and the morning sunrise.

Did Mr. Potatoehead save Elizabeth City?

Absolutely! The replica can be seen today; it resides at the M&M museum in Princeton New Jersey. Ms Potatoehead’s initials are barely visible with the naked eye, but with careful inspection using a magnifying glass they are still discernible.

“Enjoy life. There’s plenty of time to be dead.”

–Anonymous, but Possibly Mr. Potatoehead


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”