Fixing stuff, myself included…
Tuesday Too
1.) Is there someone in your life who is or was your mentor? How did this person influence your life?
While there have been many people who have influenced me, there is one in particular who has been my computer guru over the last several years. That would be Su, who once jokingly said, “blog me.” Okay Su, I’m blogging you. She set me on this path that has forked here and then there, but always leading towards more of what I call techno mania, or internet obsession. Not that I mind my current compulsion, as a mater of fact I wouldn’t want it any other way. Whenever I can’t figure out what’s wrong with my computer hardware, or my own hardwiring, I call Su.
2.) What do you consider one of the biggest problems facing you as an individual?
Oh I have no problems whatsoever. Yeah, sure me and Mr. Potatoehead for world peace. I’d have to say currently it’s overcoming my natural inclination to procrastinate, which is a definite deficit in trying to complete my thesis before the credit police wipe my slate clean. In this case a clean slate would not be a good thing.
3.) What’s your favorite movie and why?
This question has probably been asked by every question nut (myself included) out there, but I’d like to know. If you’ve already answered this question in you blog or journal just give a link to your prior post. I’ve seen more movies in the last few months than I’ve seen in the last five years, but still I would say it’s one I saw a long time ago – Flatliners. Why? Because I’m fascinated not by death, but by the implied meaning of dreams in the movie and the daring curiosity of the characters. And even though it might be out of fashion, I have a passion for Julia Roberts.
Post your URL in the comment.
“We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.”
–R. D. Laing