Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Tuesday Too

Tuesday Too1.) Lucid dreaming is operationally defined as knowing that you are dreaming while you’re dreaming. Does dreaming (lucid or ordinary) play a significant role in your life? Are you a lucid dreamer?

I have found that when I pay attention to my dreams, I’m much more likely to have a lucid dream. In a very real (hard copy) sense, dreaming is quite significant, because that’s the topic of my current research. In a more ethereal sense the significance is revealed through the coordination of my dreaming and waking life = more lucid dreams = more conscious waking life and vice versa.

2.) If you are a survivor of a failed relationship, can you tell me one reason you’re glad the relationship is over? It doesn’t matter if you’re the “leavee” or the “leaver”.

Yes, I finally was able to stop my maniacal leg shaving!

3.) You have been selected to put one thing in a ship that travels to far end of universe (god knows where that is). What do you put in and why?

My phone number, just in case I don’t remember it when I get there.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

–Arthur C. Clarke


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”