Fixing stuff, myself included…
Yes, the Tuesday Too is shrinking; as they say on Firesign Theatre: “to almost nothing at the bottom of the pool”. I must say, I’ve met some amazing people and found some interesting blogs to keep up with, while engaged in this madness. The range of things people blog about is staggering. Okay, I know we got some who insist on telling us about doing the laundry, but I’ve found that to be the more rare than you might think. And what do I know? Maybe it’s the zen of laundry: the sound of waterless washing!
Today = Thursday
Seems blogger’s been “blogged down” = trouble posting. So the above I wrote yesterday, and today I say, while we’ve shrunk, it’s not “the size of almost nothing” yet, so I’ll do it again next Tuesday.
What else is going on?
Oh, just more thesis paralysis that I’m fighting against, and sometimes winning. Most of the data collection is done, and will be totally over by Friday…eeeeekkk that’s tomorrow. Then I suddenly metamorphous into a mathematician/statistician and run the data and write the results. unhmm yeah right…
“Men are born to succeed, not to fail.”
–Henry David Thoreau …and women too!