Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Tuesday Too

1.) Would you please point us toward a prior post that you’re particularly fond of, or expresses just what you had in mind on a subject which may or may not be substantive in nature?

Alien Nature

2.) Who is your favorite artist/artwork?

Marcel Duchamp: The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors Even also known as The Large Glass. There is also another very strange work of Duchamp’s in the Philadelpia Museum of Art: Given: 1 The Waterfall, 2. The Illuminating Gas I once spent a number of hours there watching to see how many people missed it entirely = lots. Why? Why, because it looks like it’s just a door hung on the wall, and many people fail to notice the two holes to peek through. Or did you mean why did I watch?I find museums and airports and streets and… great places for people watching.

3.) If it were possible to be the other gender for a couple days, after which you could without complications take up where you left off would you try it?

I am just so damn curious, how could I not?

Post your URLs in the comment


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”