Fixing stuff, myself included…
Other than what?
The hunt for terrorists is overshadowing much of our world view. As the focus narrows so does the broad picture lose it’s attachment to it’s surroundings. Yes we can be destroyed by terrorists, and we can destroy ourselves by being blindsided by too many leaves on the Bush!
What do you mean?
I mean that the hunt for terrorists, while making a president, is not saving the world from global warming, or third/second world countries from starvation, or women from oppression, or children from lack of education. I mean we shouldn’t be tricked into nearsightedness and forget the other things. Let’s not forget that we must drive gas guzzling SUVs, and to hell with the environment. By god it’s America and that’s the law! It’s good for big business; the car business that is. So let’s open our eyes when the laws are passed that shouldn’t be, or not changed when they should be, or remain unchanged when change is desperately needed. While George is making a presidency of defending America and the world against terrorism, don’t be fooled/mystified by a rhetoric which casts only a shadow of fear that obliterates other things.