Fixing stuff, myself included…
Post 100
“Strange brew… girl what’s inside of you”, that’s from an old 70s song the name of which I don’t remember. Anybody know it?
So what?
Don’t you sometimes wonder what’s inside of you? I don’t mean organs, or bones, or veins, but rather what’s making you tick on a particular day. What’s making me tick today is this: I’ve got some relearning to do, and I just don’t want to. All that statistical “stuff” I knew two years ago is somewhere in my brain. Maybe I just need a jump start like the car. The car, the damn muffler is falling off and wired up with a coat hanger once again. Why do they do that? Fall off I mean, really it’s like the statistics; perhaps a little rewiring would help there as well.
You’re not making a whole lot of sense.
I didn’t ask for your two cents worth!
Now you’ve gone and done it.
What? Who’s asking the questions here anyway? Okay so I’m asking and answering; what do you want to know?
Are you going to finish that damn thesis in time?
I think I’ve got to find someone who’s been doing statistical analysis for a while to help me, because I don’t have time to go over all that crap again. Yes I said crap! I don’t know how I ever got through all that “stuff” the first time. I’m rambling all over the place so I’m signing off. “You are the weakest link! Good-bye”
“Diamonds are nothing more than chunks of coal that stuck to their jobs.”
–Malcolm Stevenson Forbes