Fixing stuff, myself included…
Blogger Insider
This time I’ve been paired up with Thea at syaffolee, who by the way wrote a novel in 30 days! Here are the questions she sent me:
1. The structure of most of your blog entries are certainly unique. You must have “interviewer” as one of your “hats” as well. How did you come up with this layout?
MPD…heh, heh NOT really. Since I’m always questioning myself mentally it just follows my own internal dialogue.
2. Have you lived in Maryland for most of your life?
Mostly yes, but I have this thing that happens every once in a while where feel I must live near the ocean. Twice in my adult life, (relatively speaking) I’ve lived for a year at a time on or near Chincoteague Island. Chincoteague is a small island off the coast of Virginia. If you read Misty of Chincoteague as a child, that’s the place. During the eighties I lived in Princeton New Jersey, while my then lover completed a Phd. I also lived in Washington DC for four years (late eighties/early nineties).
3. Suppose (because of a dare) you find yourself in a “haunted” house and you find a dead body that’s been rotting in the guest room for the past fifty years. What do you do?
Look for a wallet. Fifty years says I don’t need to go for the air freshener, so if there’s no wallet I’ll call the cops on my nonexistent cell phone (boy I’d really like to have one of those). However, if I do find a wallet I’ll put on my Nancy Drew hat, look for clues, and begin trying to figure out who done what to who.
4. If the meaning of life isn’t 42, what is it?
Everybody knows it’s 54! hmmm… or was it 55?
5. The people at NASA have selected you to be one of the founders of a new colony on Mars. What will be the first thing you do once you hit Martian soil?
Look for the ladies room?
6. If there was only one thing in which others could remember you by, what would it be?
A large painting of the inside of a red pepper
7. Okay, so time travel is possible. Except only in a limited sense–you can only watch past events like television. So what particular part of history would you tune into and why?
The garden of Eden so once and for all we could show that it really wasn’t Eve’s fault after all. And what about those dinosaurs?
8. You’ve just won the lottery. What are you going to buy?
Yeah, yeah okay so I give some to charity like a good girl, but then I buy:
an old jaguar sedan from the 60s with a brand new engine, a bunch of canvases and new brushes, a house on the ocean, an apartment in Manhattan, a trip around the world, a new lease on life… have I run out of money yet? Guess I’d better invest some of it.
9. What’s your favorite book? Why?
I’ll have to think on that one.
10. What was your favorite childhood board game?
11. You are going to start a cult called The Strawberry Monkeys. Who will you invite?
The folks who do the Tuesday Too, plus Su, Rob, Abbott, Mary and Dana. Just don’t ask me what we do in this cult.