Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Wonderful Windows

I find it difficult to keep in mind that it doesn’t matter how hard I press on Ctrl Alt Del. If it’s not going to kick in, increasing the amount of pressure I put on the keys will not rectify the situation. Enter the paper clip, lovingly referred to as the “Mac tool” by PC users. When all else fails I know I can insert the now unbent clip into the tiny hole on the right side of my laptop. This maneuver is always a last resort and is accompanied by much cursing, because now I must endure the dreaded blue screen, lengthy reboot, reconnection and finally reopen my browsers.

Why did you tell us that?

Mr. Potatoehead for PresidentBecause even though it’s a pain in the ass, it’s a viable solution to frozen mice. The last time Mr. Potatoehead was confronted by a frozen mouse; his solution was so half baked that he nearly fried himself. In a sense the tiny hole is a mouse outlet, and that’s how Mr. Potatoehead nearly died. He is deathly afraid of mice of any kind, and he couldn’t be sure that the particular mouse causing the problem was really frozen. His first thought when he spied the mouse was to call Schrodinger’s cat, but the cat was still in the box, and Mr. Potatoehead couldn’t be sure if the cat was dead or alive. In retrospect at least according to Mr. Potatoehead, the cat may actually have been in a bag, just waiting to be let out. Wherever the cat was, the point is he could not discern whether the cat was dead or alive. He was quite flustered not knowing if the mouse was frozen, and if Schrodinger’s cat was capable of saving him if the mouse was not frozen. In those kinds of circumstances it’s reasonable to assume that mistakes are made. Fearing for his life, Mr. Potatoehead lunged toward the mouse hoping to over power him; instead the hotheaded Mr. Potatoehead initiated the thawing process. As luck would have it Schrodinger’s cat was alive, and she leapt from her box, pounced on the mouse and thus saved old Potatoehead from the jaws of death.

Have you got any other nutty things to say?

Just one… well I’m editing this is 2018! and I referenced to two URLs back in 2002, which now lead, not where they were intended to go! LOL – ha nobody said LOL in 2002. Whatever was intended in this paragraph was not discernible today, so I deleted the paragraph. I will also say, anybody stumbling by chance upon Mr Potatoehead’s story today, can use the search to find more Mr Potatoehead stories from the early days.

“Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.”

–Italian Proverb .

“Designated driver, on the information highway.”