Fixing stuff, myself included…
Tuesday Too # 7
1.) What’s your opinion on age ranges and intimate relationships? Does it matter? Is it okay for the man to be older, but not the woman? How much older is too old?
Being an expert on relationships, I’m speaking quantity not necessarily quality, and yes I’ve had way too many already so that’s why I qualify as an expert; my first inclination is to say it makes no difference. However, as I linger over the idea I’m not so sure. I will say I think it makes no difference which gender is the older of the two (see Harold and Maude). It has been my experience that the range grows larger as I get older.
2.) Should stem cell researchers be given the green light?
I claim no expertise whatsoever in this area, but of course like most folks I do have an opinion. The continuing research in this field is necessary. If you have a relative with Alzheimers or Parkinsons disease then you know why I’m on this side of the fence. Furthermore I don’t think embryonic stem cells should be ruled out; however, it’s one of those issues (i.e. abortion). While it’s difficult to see from both sides, perhaps so difficult that one remains on the fence if one does see both sides (see this).
3.)Googleclimbing, (similar to a googlewhacking) but now your job is to make your site come up as the first result, or at least on the first page of google’s results. Ideally you want your site to be #1 of thousands, tens of thousands or if you really want to impress us #1 of millions of results! You may use up to four words, but they may not be in quotation marks.
Here’s mine: love testing machine = #1 of 200,000! Go ahead put me in my place go for a million.
Post your URL in the comment
“The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.”
–Flora Whittemore