Fixing stuff, myself included…
MA Thesis Update
I’ve managed to figure out most of the statistical analysis I’m doing on my research project, and have sent it to my major reader for confirmation that I’m really seeing what I think I see. I’m running late, so in all likelihood I won’t be able to “walk the walk” in May which makes my mother unhappy. However, I’ll still get the piece of paper, and that’s my main concern. Once I get the go ahead, I have to write the results section, a discussion section and a brief summary. Everyone (the big they) says, “once you get through the committee meeting it’s a piece of cake.” Don’t believe everything you hear.
Is anything good going on?
Depends on your definition of good. Good for me means things I’m looking forward to when this is over, as in so over it.
So over it?
I swear on the internet I will not pursue further education unless it’s something I’m going to use. Speaking of the internet, that’s one of the things I’m looking forward to; the idea of designing Web sites for a living is still my chosen path of insanity. Actually it’s one of the things I enjoy most besides painting.
“The years teach much which the days never knew.”
–Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays