Fixing stuff, myself included…
Tuesday Too # 9
Up at 4 AM this morning with much to accomplish today, but first the questions. Is anybody thinking of going to Blog-Con in August? If you don’t know about it check it out.
1.) In your state/country is there a required registry for sex offenders? Do you think there should be, and why, or why not?
Yes we have a registry in Maryland it just went online on the 18th of April. Part of me says yes we should definitely have this information readily available. However, I took a course in Psychology and the law a few years ago and discovered in the Kansas vs Hendricks case that violent sex offenders my be confined in mental institutions indefinitely after serving their prison sentences under the Kansas Sexually Violent Predator Act. This decision was tested and again declared constitutional in January of this year. Many other states have adopted a similar law. So you might say, “why do you have a problem with this?” Well, this person was handed a prison sentence. The point being the offender has served the time they were given. In the opinion written by Thomas in 97 he said indefinite civil commitment is not punishment, and that locking persons in mental hospitals after they have served there sentence is not double jeopardy. Why is it we feel comfortable releasing muderers and muggers back into society at large without a listing of their last known whereabouts? Just thought I’d play the devils advocate on this one.
2.) What did you want to be when you were a little kid? Did you become your initial occupational choice?
I wanted to be an airline stewardess, and no I did not. But the real question is why didn’t I want to become a pilot?
3.) If you haven’t already done so take this test, or if you have provide a link to your prior earth shattering results.
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“It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot, irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship what is known, but to question it.”
–Jacob Chanowski