Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Mind Boggling

Spent the entire day dealing with red tape issues = aaaaaaaack! and double aaaaaaaaack! I’ll have a question on the Tuesday Too tomorrow about that particular issue. On a happier note, I finally did get a kitty cat. I’ve named him Elliot; I decided that Schrodinger was just too much to saddle both of us with.

What’s Elliot like?

He’s a great little cat; at nine months old he looks like a midget maine coon cat. Elliot is a brown tabby with tuffs of golden hair sprouting owl like from his ears and a big fat tail that makes him looks like a raccoon. Already he’s high maintainence, after a sizable “donation” to the SPCA on Saturday, I’ve had to wisk him off to my vet today, who informed me he needs to have antibiotics to clear up a respirtory infection, and eye drops to clear his eyes. All that aside, I’m quite pleased to have him, and he appears to be quite taken with me. Last night he started what I want to prevent from becoming a ritual; the tap, tap, tapping with his paw at 2 AM is not something I want to encourage.

When can we expect the Tuesday Too?

The Tuesday Too will be up around 5 AM, unless Elliot has his way with me again. Remember, I’m a morning person.


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”