Art Attack Central

Fixing stuff, myself included…

Catching Up

Just a wee bit behind; I think I’ll drop down and answer my own questions a day late! It’s most amazing the questions appeared at all.


Somehow Monday was one of those chaotic and unruly days, who had no notion that she would be followed by Tuesday. The personification of Monday is an interesting idea to toss about.

Upon entering the bedroom, Gloria found her royal blue Monday undies had undergone a strange transformation. Her once petite and oh so silky feminine underwear, her absolute favorite with the tiny red embroidered lettering had grown to such proportions they would now be suitable only for an elephant. As a matter of fact Monday was covering the entire queensize bed, and it appeared that she was still growing. Horrified, Gloria flattened herself up against the wall, as the now quite large Monday oozed off the bed and stood up, gathering her royal blue folds into fabulous pleats that dropped from the splash of red embroidery emblazoned on her forehead. “But it’s Tuesday” cried the now quite frightened Gloria as she edged her way towards the door. “I could care less what day it is”, shouted Monday, “and I don’t think it’s any of your business anyway!” Gloria was beside herself, well almost, actually she was beside Monday which turns out to be worse than being beside yourself, or beside Tuesday for that matter. Gloria was rattled; her thoughts bounced like a broken sting of pearls on a newly polished hardwood floor. “Oh my God, that’s the string of pearls my mother gave me on the day I married Ken, or was it Brad, or Dick.” Monday threw back her head and roared with laughter, but the blue pleats shook with anger, and then she said, “there is absolutely no order, and yet, everything is as it should be.”

What about the questions?

Some other day perhaps.

“Don’t take life seriously because you can’t come out of it alive.”

–Warren Miller


“Designated driver, on the information highway.”